GLF Schools

Springfield 6 Curriculum

GLF wider curriculum, including the Foundation subjects

Provision within the GLF wider curriculum, alongside the explicit teaching of the Foundation subjects, affords pupils the opportunity to deepen their subject knowledge and skills-set across a broad range of subjects. Through each learning journey, pupils develop their understanding of the wider world, helping to foster the cultural capital needed, in being prepared well for secondary education and beyond.



Cornerstones Curriculum

The Cornerstones Curriculum is broad and balanced, with a mix of: skills, knowledge and creativity. The four-stage pedagogical framework (engage, develop, innovate, express) engages children through inspiring topics, which deepen their knowledge and understanding of the wider world. Progress and attainment is tracked through the skills framework assessment and outcomes inform teaching.

Foundation subjects

The foundation subjects support the wider curriculum. Children’s understanding of wider culture is developed through the teaching of French. Musicality is fostered in children through exposing children to a rich array of music, with opportunities to play a wide range of instruments. Progressive spiritual, social and moral awareness is cultivated through a broad exploration of different faiths within the teaching of religious education. Physical education ensures the positive emotional and physical well-being of children.